Monkey Forest launches a brand-new adoption pack to help save the world’s threatened primates
8th Nov 2021

Passionate primate protectors can now adopt all baby monkeys born at our park to help fund VITAL primate conservation & research in the form of an adoption pack.
We are delighted to announce the launch of a brand-new adoption pack available to guests, with the proceeds supporting the uphill battle against primate extinction.
We recognise that the illegal pet trade, deforestation, and other environmental issues are having devastating impacts to ALL OF the wild primate population and we want to extend a helping hand out to ALL wild primates through the launch of these packs.
The sale of an adoption pack will donate to organisations who actively promote and financially support research into all aspects of primate biology, conservation, and management.
Monkey Forest Park Director Matt Lovatt says:
“ Unfortunately, it is not only our monkeys fighting a losing battle, 75% of the world’s primates are declining in numbers and the longer we leave it, the higher this percentage will increase.
Due to this sad situation, we are launching a brand-new adoption pack this winter, with the proceeds going to vital primate conservation work and research happening all over the globe”
We want to thank every adoptee as they are contributing to a massive cause. So, within the pack, adoptees will get a ‘legacy leaf’ allowing members of the public to hang on our brand-new conservation tree when we re-open in February 2022. These leaves will represent the unified fight against primate extinction.
Adoptee’s can write their name and a pledge for nature on the leaf , leaving their superhero legacy at Monkey Forest for thousands to see year on year. Hopefully inspiring a generation to put an arm round our primate friends and prevent extinction of beautiful animals.
The adoption packs include:
- A gorgeous cuddly toy
- Two tickets to Trentham Monkey Forest – any age
- A beautiful legacy leaf to hang on our conservation tree – leaving your own legacy at Trentham Monkey Forest – *When we re-open in February 2022*
- A postcard with a picture of a beautiful baby
- A thank you letter from Matt Lovatt, Park Director
- A Monkey Forest Lanyard
- Car Sticker
- A contribution towards Primate Conservation & Research (helping all primates to fight extinction)
Those eager to help primates in peril can now purchase a pack from the park whether it be from the on-site shop during a visit or on the website.
The packs are available to buy for Christmas presents this year and are available all year round.