Monkey Forest Celebrates 15 Years of Success!
6th Feb 2020

Much loved attraction Trentham Monkey Forest is set to reopen on the 15th February, but this year is extra special as the forest celebrates 15 years.
Aside from being loved by local people, Monkey Forest also welcomes visitors from the likes of Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham as well as further afield too. In fact, in the past 15 years the forest has welcomed over 3 million visitors many visiting the area for the first time.
Not only is this fantastic for Staffordshire tourism, this also means the forest has been able to raise awareness of the plight of the Barbary macaque. Helping to spread the important message about the conservation of the endangered species that call Trentham home.
With over 90 babies born at the forest since opening in 2005, Trentham Monkey Forest have helped to tell the story of the wild Barbary macaques whose numbers have decreased by more than 50% in just 30 years.
Director Matt Lovatt commented, ’with conservation now firmly at the forefront of political discussion, we’re delighted that the work we undertake at Monkey Forest is more relevant than ever. We can’t wait to invite visitors for the 2020 season and tell them about the endangered Barbary macaque, after all, they are the closest wild living primate to us here in the UK’’.
Continuing their important work, Trentham will be reopening on the 15th February and invite visitors to join them with a 15% discount on online tickets across opening weekend. Simply use discount code 15YEARS when booking tickets online*.
As well as offering visitors a special discount as they reopen for their 15th year the forest will also be holding a 15th Birthday Garden Party and invite you to celebrate with them! The party will take place on the 19th July and will include garden games, activities, face painting and more. More information will be released closer to the event, but it’s set to be a great day!
To book online and make use of the 15% discount code click here.
*online tickets only. Must be booked in advance before 10am on day of visit. Valid 15th and 16th February 2020 only. Code: 15YEARS