Breakfast with Monkeys V.I.P Experience SOLD OUT

15th Sept 2022

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We are delighted to confirm that our Breakfast with Monkeys VIP Experience has now SOLD OUT for the 2022 season.

We would like to thank all of the lovely V.I.Ps we have had the pleasure to meet and share our monkeys with this year.

The feedback this year has been amazing for the experience, with 100% saying that the visit met expectations!

Breakfast with Monkeys is an opportunity for visitors to become forest VIPs and explore our unique, ancient Staffordshire woodland. You get to see our fascinating monkeys, way before opening hours, for the ultimate monkey observing encounter. You have the primates and our knowledgeable guides all to yourself making it an incredible morning!

VIP visitors can marvel at our monkeys as they naturally roam the 60-acre grounds shortly after waking from their wild slumber high up in the trees. Guests then help our primate-loving team feed the monkeys their breakfast, scattering fruit for our Barbary macaques to find within the forest.

Being one of the most intimate monkey experiences on offer in the UK, it tends to drum up high demand. As a result, we have no more tickets available for this season.



If you’d like to fill your Christmas stockings up as well as help fill up our monkey’s tummy’s, we will be releasing a limited number of V.I.P Experience tickets over winter 2022 after we close on the 30th of October.

We will let you know on social media once they go back on sale so keep an eye on our channels or for even quicker news subscribe to our newsletter.

As always, thank you so much for supporting us and our primates!


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